Creating Sustainable Collaborations: Developing a Referral Slip Program


Presented by:

  • Elise Ferer, Drexel University (previously Dickinson College)


Collaborate with your writing center to reach a new community of users and identify students who need research and citation help by incentivizing tutors to refer students to librarians. Work directly with writing tutors to help them identify students who need your help and then develop an effective means to refer those students to a librarian while collecting data that can point to future collaboration and outreach efforts.


Video Tutorials for Recurring Reference: The Chem Abstracts Library Assignment at Stephen F. Austin State University


Presented by:

  • Erica Chapman, Stephen F. Austin State University


I created video tutorials for the infamous Chem Abstracts assignment on our campus to aid in answering recurrent reference questions during busy times of the semester. Screencast video tutorials are quick and easy for students to access and provide students with the help they need when a librarian may be unavailable.