Seeking Multicultural Connections: Designing Your Own Human Library


Presented by:

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  • Emi Kawasaki, GateWay Community College
  • Christine Kilbridge, GateWay Community College
  • Beth Malapanes, GateWay Community College


Discover an innovative way for academic libraries to increase awareness of diversity issues, civic responsibility, and global engagement through The Human Library. The Human Library, created by an international organization,, consists of sessions where “readers” are able to “check out” a human book who has a story to share about his/her experiences with stereotyping or prejudice. Through meaningful conversations, “readers” listen to a “book” chosen from the available catalog that addresses a personally held prejudice in order to appreciate the humanity in all people.


Learning It Deeper: Student/Librarian LibGuide Creation


Presented by:

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  • Rachael Naismith, Assistant Director for Information and Research, Babson Library, Springfield College


A reference librarian and a faculty member collaborated on a project that required students to recommend content for a new LibGuide. Students influenced design decisions and content by sharing their views on what was useful and appealing in LibGuides. The librarian and faculty member co-taught deeper-level information literacy concepts, while students became information generators by recommending and ranking content for the new guide.


3D Technology in the Academic Library: Informing, Collaborating, and Implementing


Presented by:

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  • Jenny Wong-Welch, San Diego State University
  • Jordan Nielsen, San Diego State University


Learn about a collaboration between an academic library and a campus innovation center that inspired the creation of a library-based 3D technology service. Through hands-on workshops, librarians raised awareness of 3D technology and gathered feedback about the technology from workshop participants. In addition to hosting workshops, librarians engaged in outreach efforts with campus departments to identify 3D technology needs and to build support for a centralized, collaborative library-based service.


Creating Sustainable Collaborations: Developing a Referral Slip Program


Presented by:

  • Elise Ferer, Drexel University (previously Dickinson College)


Collaborate with your writing center to reach a new community of users and identify students who need research and citation help by incentivizing tutors to refer students to librarians. Work directly with writing tutors to help them identify students who need your help and then develop an effective means to refer those students to a librarian while collecting data that can point to future collaboration and outreach efforts.